Dai Takei Ph.D.


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Summary / Refereed / Unrefereed / Reviews / Award / Press / Presentations / Seminars / Grants / Proposals


  • 52 articles (22 first authors), 38 presentations, 1 award, and 9 research grants since 2006

Refereed Journals (Total: 21, First Author: 10)

Unrefereed Journals (Total: 27, First Author: 8)

Books, Reviews, and Columns (Total: 4)

Prizes and Awards (Total: 1)

Public Outreaches and Press Releases (Total: 6)

Conference Presentations (Total: 38)

Seminars and Lectures (Total: 9)

Fellowship and Grants (Total: 9)

Telescope, Satellite, and Facility Time Allocations (Total: 11)

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Last Update : 2024.09.30

Since 2006.03